Aerial images and DSM of 19 hydrological subcatchments

This dataset contains aerial images and digital surface models of 19 out of 20 hydrological subcatchments analysed in the project "Shortcut". The subcatchments mostly lie in rural areas of the Swiss midlands and the datasets were obtained by flights with an eBee drone (SenseFly) between October 2017 and August 2018. The resolutions of the aerial images and the digital surface models lie between 2cm/pixel and 5cm/pixel, depending on the catchment.

The aerial images in this dataset were used for the publication "Hydraulic Shortcuts Increase the Connectivity of Arable Land Areas to Surface Waters" (Schönenberger, U. & Stamm C, 2021)". The publication, supporting information, datasets, and codes can be found on the Eawag Research Data Institutional Repository (DOI: 10.25678/0003J3).

Dataset extent

Data and Resources


This Data Package

Schoenenberger, U. (2018). Aerial images and DSM of 19 hydrological subcatchments (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.

The associated article


Open Data Open Data
  • Schoenenberger, Urs
Keywords Hydrology,aerial images,agriculture,arable land,catchment,dem,digital elevation model,digital surface model,drone,dsm,hydrological catchment,remote sensing,surface,visible light,UAV
  • agricultural area
  • catchment
  • watershed
  • 2017-10 TO 2018-04
Geographic Name(s)
  • Boncourt
  • Buchs
  • Böttstein
  • Clarmont
  • Courroux
  • Fleurier
  • Hochdorf
  • Illighausen
  • Lommiswil
  • Molondin
  • Müswangen
  • Nürensdorf
  • Oberneunforn
  • Romont
  • Rüti bei Riggisberg
  • Suchy
  • Truttikon
  • Ueken
  • Vufflens-la-Ville
Review Level none
Curator Schoenenberger, Urs
DOI 10.25678/0002D3