Data for: Ex-ante quantification of nutrient, total solids, and water flows in sanitation systems

This data has been used to generate valid sanitation system options from a set of potential technologies and to quantify corresponding phosphorus, nitrogen, total solids, and water flows. The data contains input and output data for a didactic case. The input data is a csv file with the compiled information on the 41 technologies collected from literature on the technologies. This includes the technology appropriateness profiles and scores and in particular the transfer coefficients of the four substances in question. Results include: (1) technology appropriateness scores; (2) all valid sanitation system configurations; (3) the system appropriateness scores; (4) mass flows; and (5) a a smaller set of divers and highly appropriate sanitation system options as an input into decision-making.

Data and Resources


This Data Package

Spuhler, D., & Scheidegger, A. (2020). Data for: Ex-ante quantification of nutrient, total solids, and water flows in sanitation systems. Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.

The associated article

Spuhler, D., Scheidegger, A., and Maurer, M. (2020) Ex-ante quantification of nutrient, total solids, and water flows in sanitation systems. Submitted to Water Research.


Open Data Open Data
Long-term data Long-term data
  • Spuhler, Dorothee
  • Scheidegger, Andreas
Keywords Sanitation technology,appropriateness,substance flow modelling,transfer coefficients
  • *
Review Level general
Curator Maurer, Max
DOI 10.25678/0000HH