NADUF - National long-term surveillance of Swiss rivers (2024-2)

The “National Long-term Surveillance of Swiss Rivers” (NADUF) program was initiated in 1972 as a cooperative project between three institutes:

The following institutes participated later:

With the NADUF program, the chemical-physical state of Swiss rivers as well as intermediate-term and long-term changes in concentration are observed. Furthermore, it provides data for scientific studies on biological, chemical and physical processes in river water. The NADUF network serves as a basic data and sampling facility to evaluate the effectiveness of water protection measures and for various scientific projects.

Data from 2021 to 2023

The physical data for the years 2021 and 2023 are provisional. Accordingly, the chemical data are not yet definitive.

Dataset extent

Data and Resources


Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute Of Aquatic Science And Technology, & Federal Office For The Environment (FOEN). (2024). NADUF - National long-term surveillance of Swiss rivers (2024-2) (Version 1.0). Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.


Open Data Open Data
  • Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
  • Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Keywords NADUF,Swiss Rivers,chemical state,physical state,long-term,monitoring
  • alkalinity
  • chemical_oxygen_demand
  • discharge
  • dissolved_organic_carbon
  • dissolved_reactive_phosphate
  • electric_conductivity
  • oxygen_saturation
  • pH
  • suspended_material
  • temperature
  • total_hardness
  • total_nitrogen
  • total_organic_carbon
  • total_phosphorus
Substances (scientific names)
  • As (InChI=1S/As)
  • Ba (InChI=1S/Ba)
  • Br- (InChI=1S/BrH/h1H/p-1)
  • C15H24O (InChI=1S/C15H24O/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-14-10-12-15(16)13-11-14/h10-13,16H,2-9H2,1H3)
  • C17H28O2 (InChI=1S/C17H28O2/c1-5-17(4,11-10-14(2)3)15-6-8-16(9-7-15)19-13-12-18/h6-9,14,18H,5,10-13H2,1-4H3/i6+1,7+1,8+1,9+1,15+1,16+1)
  • C19H32O3 (InChI=1S/C19H32O3/c1-5-19(4,11-10-16(2)3)17-6-8-18(9-7-17)22-15-14-21-13-12-20/h6-9,16,20H,5,10-15H2,1-4H3)
  • C21H36O4 (InChI=1S/C21H36O4/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-20-10-12-21(13-11-20)25-19-18-24-17-16-23-15-14-22/h10-13,22H,2-9,14-19H2,1H3)
  • Ca+2 (InChI=1S/Ca/q+2)
  • Cd (InChI=1S/Cd)
  • Cl- (InChI=1S/ClH/h1H/p-1)
  • Cr (InChI=1S/Cr)
  • Cu (InChI=1S/Cu)
  • F- (InChI=1S/FH/h1H/p-1)
  • Fe (InChI=1S/Fe)
  • H4SiO4 (InChI=1S/Na.H4O4Si/c;1-5(2,3)4/h;1-4H)
  • HCO3- (InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-1)
  • Hg (InChI=1S/Hg)
  • K+ (InChI=1S/K/q+1)
  • Mg+2 (InChI=1S/Mg/q+2)
  • Mn (InChI=1S/Mn)
  • N (InChI=1S/N)
  • Na+ (InChI=1S/Na/q+1)
  • NH4+ (InCHI=1S/H3N/h1H3/p+1)
  • Ni (InChI=1S/Ni)
  • NO2- (InCHl=1S/HNO2/c2-1-3/h(H,2,3)/p-1)
  • NO3- (InCHl=1S/NO3/c2-1(3)4/q-1)
  • O2 (InChI=1S/O2/c1-2)
  • P (InChI=1S/P)
  • Pb (InChI=1S/Pb)
  • PO4-3 (InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4)/p-3)
  • SO4-2 (InCHl=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4)/p-2)
  • Sr (InChI=1S/Sr)
  • Zn (InChI=1S/Zn)
Substances (generic terms)
  • 4-nonylphenol
  • 4-nonylphenoldiethoxylate
  • 4-nonylphenolmonoethoxylate
  • ammonium
  • arsenic
  • barium
  • bromide
  • cadmium
  • calcium
  • cerium
  • chloride
  • chromium
  • copper
  • fluoride
  • iron
  • lathanum
  • lead
  • magnesium
  • manganese
  • mercury
  • nickel
  • nitrate
  • nitrite
  • nitrogen
  • nonylphenoltriethoxylate
  • oxygen
  • phosphate
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • silicic acid
  • silver
  • sodium
  • strontium
  • sulphate
  • zinc
  • River
  • 1974 TO 2023
Geographic Name(s)
  • Andelfingen - Thur Appenzell - Sitter Bern, Schönau - Aare Brugg - Aare Chancy - Rhône Diepoldsau, Rietbrücke - Rhein Alpthal - Erlenbach Frauenfeld - Murg Baden, Gebenstorf - Limmat Gümmenen - Saane Hagneck - Aare Emmen/Littau, Reussbühl - Kleine Emme Rheinsfelden - Glatt Laufenburg - Rhein Alpthal - Lümpenenbach Martina - Inn Mellingen - Reuss Münchenstein, Hofmatt - Birs Neuenkirch - Sellenbodenbach Porte du Scex - Rhône Rekingen - Rhein Riazzino - Ticino S-chanf - Inn Thörishaus, Sensematt - Sense Alpthal - Vogelbach Weil, Palmrainbrücke - Rhein Rheinfelden - Rhein
Review Level general
Curator Schoenenberger Ursula
Contact Schoenenberger Ursula <>
DOI 10.25678/000CY7