Data for: Speed it up: How temperature drives toxicokinetics of organic contaminants in freshwater amphipods

The acceleration of global change draws increasing attention towards synergistic effects of temperature and organic contaminants. Many studies reported a higher sensitivity of aquatic invertebrates towards contaminant exposure with increasing or fluctuating temperature. The hypothesis of this study was that the higher sensitivity of invertebrates is associated to changes of toxicokinetic processes that determine internal concentrations of contaminants and consequently toxic effects. Therefore, the influence of temperature on toxicokinetic processes and the underlying mechanisms were studied in two key amphipod species. Bioconcentration experiments were carried out at four different temperatures with a mixture of 12 exposure relevant polar organic contaminants. Tissue and medium samples were taken in regular intervals and analysed by online solid phase extraction liquid chromatography high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry. Subsequently, toxicokinetic rates were modelled and analysed in dependence of the exposure temperature using the Arrhenius equation. A positive exponential relationship between toxicokinetic rates versus temperature was observed and could be well depicted by applying the Arrhenius equation. Due to a similar Arrhenius temperature of uptake and elimination rates, the bioconcentration factors of the contaminants were constant across the temperature range. Further, the Arrhenius temperature of the toxicokinetic rates and respiration was mostly similar. However, in some cases (citalopram, cyprodinil) the bioconcentration factor appeared to be temperature dependent, which could potentially be explained by the influence of temperature on active uptake mechanisms or biotransformation. The observed temperature effects on toxicokinetics may especially be relevant in non-equilibrated systems, such as exposure peaks in summer as exemplified by the exposure modelling of a real-world pesticide peak where the internal concentrations increased by up to fourfold along the temperature gradient. The results provide novel insights into the mechanisms of chemical uptake, biotransformation, and elimination in different climate scenarios and can improve risk assessment.

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This Data Package

Raths, J., Svara, V., Lauper, B., Fu, Q., & Hollender, J. (2022). Data for: Speed it up: How temperature drives toxicokinetics of organic contaminants in freshwater amphipods (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.

The associated article

Raths, J., Švara, V., Lauper, B., Fu, Q., & Hollender, J. (2022). Speed it up: How temperature drives toxicokinetics of organic contaminants in freshwater amphipods. Global Change Biology.


  Publication Data Package for:
Open Data Open Data
  • Raths, Johannes
  • Svara, Vid
  • Lauper, Benedikt
  • Fu, Qiuguo
  • Hollender, Juliane
Keywords Arrhenius,bioconcentration,biotransformation,Gammarus pulex,Hyalella azteca,aquatic invertebrates,micropollutants,tissue concentrations,medium concentrations,lipid content,protein content
  • concentration
  • temperature
Substances (scientific names)
Substances (generic terms)
  • fungicide
  • herbicide
  • insecticide
  • transformation products
Taxa (scientific names)
  • Gammarus pulex
  • Hyalella azteca
Organisms (generic terms)
  • crustaceans
  • invertebrates
  • gammarid tissue
  • water
  • 2020-09 TO 2020-10
Geographic Name(s)
  • Bubikon
  • Dübendorf
  • Switzerland
Review Level none
Curator Raths, Johannes
Contact Hollender, Juliane <>
DOI 10.25678/000779