Packages Activity Stream About Include Sub-Organizations Order by Relevance Name Ascending Name Descending Last Modified Go 73 packages found Filter Results Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope: Raw data, images and classifications - May 2018 to June 2023 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope December 2019 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope December 2018 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope June 2023 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Data for: Underwater dual-magnification imaging for automated lake plankton monitoring The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... ZIP TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Data for: Light limitation increases multidimensional traitĀ evenness in phytoplankton populations Individual-level variation arising from responses to environmental gradients influences population and community dynamics. How such responses empirically relate to the... TXT CSV Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope April 2020 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope November 2018 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Data for: Interacting temperature, nutrients and zooplankton grazing control phytoplankton size-abundance relationships in eight Swiss Lakes Biomass distribution among size classes follows a power law where the Log-abundance of taxa scales to Log-size with a slope that responds to environmental abiotic and biotic... ZIP TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope May 2023 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Greifensee data used for project MixMet CTD and Meteo data from the monitoring station that is formatted in the way it is needed for the submission to the GLEON MixMet data call. Project goal: assess how whole lake... TXT ZIP Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope March 2019 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope May 2020 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope April 2019 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope October 2022 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Aquascope June 2019 The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging... TAR TXT Phytoplankton Ecology Dataset: Greifensee Chlorophyll-a forecasting based on deep learning 2019-2021 CTD, Meteo, nutrient chemistry and Aquascope camera data, used to predict Chl-a as part of Gabriel Vallat civil service project. There is a data set with daily averages and one... TXT ZIP Phytoplankton Ecology Greifensee CTD data 2011-2021 - all profiles Cleaned CTD profiles, where all profiles were used. Additional measurements after a full profile were deleted, as well as doubled measurements at the same depth. Measurement... TXT ZIP Phytoplankton Ecology Greifensee CTD data 2011-2021 - complete photic profiles Cleaned CTD profiles, where only profiles that were complete between 1 m and 8 m were used. Additional measurements after a full profile were deleted, as well as doubled... TXT ZIP Phytoplankton Ecology Greifensee CTD data 2011-2021 - complete profiles Cleaned CTD profiles, where only profiles that were complete between 1 m and 16 m were used. Additional measurements after a full profile were deleted, as well as doubled... TXT ZIP 1 2 3 4 Ā»