Aquascope November 2018

The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging microscope. This data package contains raw data from the DSPC also known as "Aquascope". These data were collected in November 2018 at a depth of 3m in Lake Greifensee, Switzerland. The DSPC gathered images at 5x magnification (5p0xMAG - targetting phytoplankton), and at 0.5x magnification (0p5xMAG, targetting zooplankton). More information ....

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This Data Package

Dennis, S., Merz, E., Reyes, M., Merkli, S., Baity Jesi, M., Kyathanahally, S., et al. (2023). Aquascope November 2018 (Version 1.0). Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.

The associated article


Open Data Open Data
  • Dennis, Stuart
  • Merz, Ewa
  • Reyes, Marta
  • Merkli, Stefanie
  • Baity Jesi, Marco
  • Kyathanahally, Sreenath
  • Ebi, Christian
  • Hardeman, Robert
  • Bulas, Thea
  • Ntetsika, Pinelopi
  • Isles, Peter
  • Lorimer, Thomas
  • Pomati, Francesco
Keywords phytoplankton images,zooplankton images,plankton classification,machine learning,time series,image features,plankton communities
Taxa (scientific names)
  • Aphanizomenon sp.
  • Ascomorpha sp.
  • Askenasia sp.
  • Asplanchna sp.
  • Asterionella sp.
  • Aulacoseira sp.
  • Bacillariophyta
  • Bosmina sp.
  • Ceratium sp.
  • Chaoborus sp.
  • Chlorophyta
  • Ciliophora
  • Closterium sp.
  • Coelastrum reticulatum
  • Coelosphaerium
  • Coleps sp.
  • Collotheca sp.
  • Conochilus sp.
  • Cosmarium sp.
  • Croococcales
  • Cryptophyceae
  • Cryptophyta
  • Cyanobacteria
  • Cyclops sp.
  • Daphnia sp.
  • Diaphanosoma sp.
  • Didinium sp.
  • Dinobryon sp.
  • Dinophyceae
  • Dolichospermum sp.
  • Elakatothrix sp.
  • Eudiaptomus sp.
  • Fragilaria sp.
  • Gomium sp.
  • Gymnodinium
  • Hydra sp.
  • Kellicottia sp.
  • Keratella cochlearis
  • Keratella quadrata
  • Klebsormidum sp.
  • Leptodora sp.
  • Limnoraphis
  • Mallomonas akrokomos
  • Mallomonas sp.
  • Maxillopoda
  • Oocystaceae
  • Pandorina sp.
  • Paradileptus sp.
  • Pediastrum sp.
  • Peridinium sp.
  • Phacotus sp.
  • Planktosphaeria
  • Planktothrix sp.
  • Polyarthra
  • Rhodomonas sp.
  • Rotatoria
  • Scenedesmus sp.
  • Staurastrum sp.
  • Strombidium sp.
  • Synchaeta sp.
  • Synedra angustissima
  • Synedra sp.
  • Synura sp.
  • Tetraedron sp.
  • Tintinidium sp.
  • Tintinopsis sp.
  • Trichocerca sp.
  • Uroglena sp.
  • Vorticella
Organisms (generic terms)
  • Blue algae
  • Calanoid
  • centric Diatom
  • Ciliate
  • Cladocera
  • Cladocera skins
  • Copepod
  • Copepod skins
  • Cryptomonad
  • Cyanobacteria
  • Cyclopod
  • Desmid
  • Diatom
  • Dinoflagellate
  • Filamentous algae
  • Fish
  • Golden algae
  • Green algae
  • Hydra
  • Phytoplankton
  • Rotifer
  • Worm
  • Zooplankton
  • 2018-11
Geographic Name(s)
  • Greifensee
Review Level domain specific
Curator Dennis, Stuart
Contact Pomati, Francesco <>
DOI 10.25678/0009QF