Rohdaten NAWA Spez 2017
Dataset extent
Data and Resources
This Data Package
Spycher, S., Singer, H., Teichler, R., Daouk, S., Doppler, T., Vonwyl, E., et al. (2019). Rohdaten NAWA Spez 2017 (Version 2.0) [Data set]. Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.
The associated article
Spycher, S., Teichler, R., Vonwyl, E., Longrée, P., Stamm, C., Singer, H., Daouk, S., Doppler, T., Junghans, M., Kunz, M. (2019). Anhaltend hohe PSM-Belastung in Bächen. NAWA SPEZ 2017: kleine Gewässer in Gebieten mit intensiver Landwirtschaft verbreitet betroffen. Aqua & Gas, 99(4), 14-25.
Author |
Keywords | pesticides,small streams,swiss plateau,LC-HRMS-MS,environamental quality criteria,ecotoxicology |
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Substances (scientific names) |
Substances (generic terms) |
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Timerange |
Geographic Name(s) |
Review Level | none |
Curator | Singer, Heinz |
Contact | |
DOI | 10.25678/00047R |