Packages Activity Stream About Include Sub-Organizations Order by Relevance Name Ascending Name Descending Last Modified Go 3 packages found Filter Results Environmental Analytical Chemistry Data for: Geringste Konzentrationen – Grösste Wirkung In sechs kleinen bis mittelgrossen Fliessgewässern wurden die für aquatische Organismen extrem toxischen Pyrethroid- und Organophosphatinsektizide mittels einer Spezialanalytik... TXT XLSX Environmental Analytical Chemistry Rohdaten NAWA Spez 2017 The dataset contains concentrations profiles of 217 agricultural pesticides in surface water samples. Five small streams in Switzerland were sampled from the beginning of March... TXT CSV Environmental Analytical Chemistry Data for: Pesticide Risks in Small Streams – How to Get as Close as Possible to the Stress Imposed on Aquatic Organisms There is an older version of this dataset. The dataset contains concentrations profiles of 213 agricultural pesticides in surface water samples. Half-day composite samples were...